Ibrahim Almuslimani

Postdoctoral Researcher EPFL



I am (since May 1, 2024) a postdoc at the Swiss Plasma Center SPC of the EPFL. Before joining the EPFL, I was a postdoc at Inria Rennes working as a member of the research team MINGuS (Multiscale Numerical Geometric Schemes) which is a joint team between Inria, the IRMAR laboratory and ENS Rennes. My postdoctoral projects are all funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Before joining Inria, I was a Ph.D. student and teaching assistant at the Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva, under the direction of Dr. Gilles Vilmart. I obtained my Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at the Lebanese University under the direction of Prof. Mustapha Jazar. My complete CV can be found here.



Address:       EPFL SB SPC-TH

PPH 382 (Bâtiment PPH)

Station 13

1015 Lausanne

Email:         ibrahim.almuslimani@epfl.ch


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8720-5751